friends, Hollywood, Invoking the Muse, Pop Starlets, Uncategorized, yale Forbes 30 Under 30 is Yalie Kryptonite Author Violet Date January 30, 2014 Previously, I discussed the vagaries of my age-rage. I started thinking about this topic...
Pop Starlets, Uncategorized It Feels So Scary Getting Old Author Violet Date January 30, 2014 Title excerpted from the Lorde’s work. I’d like register my befuddlement with the trend...
Concerts, Invoking the Muse, Pop Starlets, Uncategorized What the People Want: Search Engine Optimizing for Beyoncé Author Violet Date December 18, 2013 Let’s continue down our list of popularly searched Beyoncé-related queries. Query 241: “beyonce i’m...
Concerts, Invoking the Muse, Pop Starlets The Crazy Beyoncé Search Terms That Bring People to My Site Author Violet Date December 18, 2013 Last Thursday, Beyoncé released her 5th album. Here at Violet on Orange, my mandate...
boyfriend, family, home, Invoking the Muse, Pop Starlets, Travels Paean to L.A., from its Least Tan Resident Author Violet Date December 6, 2013 2011-era Katy Perry peddled “Cali” as a place you drive to and “get drunk...
boyfriend, Concerts, Dates, Hollywood, Pop Starlets My Troubled Relationship with Beyoncé Author Violet Date October 18, 2013 In October 2013, criticizing the music, appearance or uterine occupancy status of one Beyoncé...
Concerts, Dates, Pop Starlets, Uncategorized Taylor Swift for (Insert Brand Here) Author Violet Date August 22, 2013 Recently, I retched. There’s just no nicer way to put it. I spent all...