Dates, family, friends, frugality, home, husband, Invoking the Muse, Orange Drive, shopping, sisters, Uncategorized, wedding Wedding Elements, Part 1 of ∞: My First Wedding Dress Author Violet Date November 15, 2015 Hello! I am looking lovingly at my wedding photos right now (expected duration of...
boyfriend, friends, Travels, Uncategorized, wedding Loehmann’s is Closing! Luckily I Just Snagged My Wedding Dress There Author Violet Date January 14, 2014 I hope my latest post detailing my bond to ostriches successfully invoked the flightless...
family, friends, Hollywood, Invoking the Muse, Uncategorized, wedding Ostrich in Time Saves Nine: I Bought an Ostrich Wedding Dress Author Violet Date January 13, 2014 In my previous post, I discussed my belief that one needn’t wait till engagement...