A few weeks back Lina had the creative idea that we should all take a whale watching tour. I leapt at the opportunity – though Lina and Naomi work together and are necessarily thick as thieves, I was jonesing to join in on a bit of Memory Lane action.
I was sheepishly surprised when she suggested the activity. I’d made a big to-do of seeking cetaceans on my recent trip to Hawaii. I dragged my boyfriend to supposed humpback lookout points and attempted to spot the famed leaping spinner dolphins while snorkeling at Kealakekua Bay. Neither plan yielded a sighting. Deepak and I traveled 2,500 miles in search of telltale tails.
Who knew we could have just bought a $17 Amazon Local deal, driven a couple miles to the marina, and tripped the light pelagic for ourselves on a lazy Sunday afternoon?